KAH Design
「藝寓」,屋齡50年老屋,充滿著外公與外婆居住的生活記憶,在日常與自然的光合作用下,將空間的生活軌跡刻劃在檜木線板牆上;在如此珍貴的記憶與屋主自身豐富的閱歷中,我們與屋主決定保留這承載著一家人的情感及回憶,做為一個美好的開端。 典藏舊時家人記憶的美好,賦予其生命並加以保存,成了我們設計之初最核心的價值。 「一個與自己心靈在一起的人」、 「承載著家人記憶與時間的容器」,為我們溝通時,最主要的設計概念:讓空間回到他最單純的樣貌,使符合記憶中溫暖的美好,來回應屋主對於生命的開闊與歷程,拋開了無形的框架,同時也蘊含著將近一甲子的記憶與三代間的溫度。 時光荏苒,昔日的美好、如今的傳承與屋主自身的閱歷,揉稔出屬於這空間獨一無二的韻味,發酵成那淡雅回甘的自在色彩。
"Imprévue", a 50-year-old home steeped in the memories of grandparents, captures daily life on walls adorned with hinoki, bathed in natural light. Preserving these cherished memories and the homeowner's rich experiences, we've kept this space as a beautiful starting point. Our core design value is to preserve and bring life to the beauty of old family memories. "In harmony with one's soul", "A vessel carrying family memories and time", These concepts guide our design—bringing the space back to its essence, reflecting the warm beauty of memories. It caters to the homeowner's desire for a broad life perspective, breaking free from constraints, embodying nearly a century of memories and generational warmth. Over time, the beauty of the past, the legacy of the present, and the homeowner's experiences combine to create a unique charm. It matures into a subtle, sweet palette of easy colors.